Committee Communications
Last updated
Last updated
Below is the basic communications plan for all comittees:
Committee Webpages
As required
Provide membership with information on the committee such as their purpose, goals, points of contact etc and associated working groups.
Committee Bi-Weekly Report
and published through Dev Report
To provide a progress report on committees and their associated Working Group. A single source of truth on:
Current Objectives and progress
Highlights from previous period
Focus for next period
Working Group Updates against agreed delivery
General Communications and Announcements
Discord (open channel per committee / working group) - See links below
Provide regular updates, communication and engagement with the membership community.
Working Group Pages
Knowledge Base in
As required
Provide membership with information on the working group such as their purpose, goals, points of contact etc
Dev Report
Provide membership with key important highlights or other important matters and announcements.
Open Offices
Google Meet (advertised through Intersect Events Calendar and Discord)
Monthly (as a minimum)
To provide the community with a mechanism to engage virtually through a call with each of the committee.
Town Halls
Town Hall
As required
Engage with the community through Town Hall Events
#budget-committee-updates #roadmap-committee-updates #core-infrastructure-roadmap-updates (proposed to be a sub committee to roadmap) #civics-committee-updates #technical-steering-committee-updates #parameters-committee-updates #open-source-office updates #Membership-and-community-committee-updates #exec-committee-updates (edited)